Research Projects (As team member)
- Development of gait training tools and mobility aids for Parkinson's Patients (Granting Agency: Dept. of Biotechnology, New Delhi)
- Dynamic Postural Stability Assessment System (Granting Agency: CSIR, New Delhi)
- Modelling of Human Intention during Gait Rehabilitation-“iRehab” (Indo-French Bilateral Exchange & Collaborative Research Programme under DST-INRIA-CNRS)
- Ligament Injury Assessment and Therapy Device for motor-rehabilitation of Soldiers “L-GEAR” (Granting Agency: CSIR, New Delhi
- Portable Harness Ambulatory System (Granting Agency: CSIR, New Delhi)
- Technology Solution for Exoskeleton Devices (Granting Agency: CSIR, New Delhi)
- Development and Calibration of Cricoid Sensor Assembly (Consultancy project from PGIMER, Chandigarh)
- Respiratory Assistance Intervention Device: A portable ventilator (Respi-AID) (Granting Agency: CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh)
- Performance evaluation of developed Wireless Foot Sensor Module (WFSM) for estimating gait temporal parameters of persons with Neurological Gait Disorder (Clinical Study)